The "Flow chart of Guilt"

When cornered and exposed to all and sundry as a LIAR , a CHEAT , and a BULLY with no compassion or honesty at ALL . you need a HUGE distraction.
And the Facebook news censorship/ban is just that . One MASSIVE distraction.
Morrison is caught out with his and his ministers un coordinated lies.
He and his Govt are doing their utmost to deflect and distract from the FACT that he KNEW about the alleged rape THE DAY AFTER.
Why was the carpet , couch and office steam cleaned the day after, if not on Morrisons orders?
And WHY was this hidden for two years , if not on Morrisons orders? No one else had the authority to do so . See the attached "flow chart of guilt".
All this effort to protect a lowly staffer? when this could have been legally and safely dealt with after the 2019 election.
But it has been kept secret until now , why is that ?
The alleged rapist MUST be further up the ladder than a staffer , and looking at the HUGE effort underway to distract and cover it all up , it is most likely an MP , OR a Pentecostal that Morrison and his corrupt cabal are protecting.
Do NOT fall for the lies and distractions , keep asking questions , as we will continue to do.
And please boycott the Murdoch and Costello media outlets , thet are only helping spread the lies of this corrupt and illegitimate government.
Murdoch , Costello and the Morrison led LNP are stealing our democracy , right in front of our eyes.
A federal election cannot come soon enough , as we DESPERATELY need to get rid of these criminals ASAP.