Corrupt NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian forced to resign as her previous perjury, lies and pork-barrelling bring her unstuck
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was forced to resign on Friday (1/10/21) because the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption announced they were investigating her for alleged corruption, as per the below video, with hearings into the matter to start on the 18th of October.
ICAC would not have taken the action they have setting down a public inquiry unless they already knew they had rock solid evidence that Gladys Berejiklian had acted corruptly which would also explain why Berejiklian has also resigned from parliament because she knows exactly what evidence they have and she knows she is in a lot of trouble.
Gladys Berejiklian is not an honest person and she blatantly perjured herself in the witness stand at ICAC last year and she openly said pork-barrelling by politicians was not a crime when she was exposed last year spending $250 million of taxpayers money before the 2019 election to buy votes.
Below is a video I produced yesterday (1/10/21) where I give an overview of the perjury, lies and pork-barrelling that is behind Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation and the video also has 3 minutes of her resignation speech.
The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) issued the below press release on Friday which Premier Gladys Berejiklian was notified of the day before:
Further Operation Keppel public inquiry
Friday 1 October 2021
The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a further public inquiry in Operation Keppel from 10:00 am on Monday 18 October 2021.
The Commission is investigating whether, between 2012 and 2018, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP engaged in conduct that:
constituted or involved a breach of public trust by exercising public functions in circumstances where she was in a position of conflict between her public duties and her private interest as a person who was in a personal relationship with the then NSW Member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; and grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
constituted or involved the partial exercise of any of her official functions, in connection with: grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017; grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018; and/or
constituted or involved the dishonest or partial exercise of any of her official functions and/or a breach of public trust by refusing to exercise her duty pursuant to section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to report any matter that she suspected on reasonable grounds concerned or may concern corrupt conduct in relation to the conduct of Mr Daryl Maguire; and/or
was liable to allow or encourage the occurrence of corrupt conduct by Mr Maguire.
The Commission is also investigating whether, between 2012 and August 2018, Mr Maguire engaged in conduct that involved a breach of public trust by using his public office, involving his duties as a member of the NSW Parliament, and the use of parliamentary resources, to improperly gain a benefit for himself, G8wayInternational/G8wayInternational Pty Ltd and associated persons. (The Commission will live stream the MS Teams proceedings via its website, www.icac.nsw.gov.au)
Geoffrey Watson, former counsel assisting the ICAC, wrote in the SMH:
It stands to ICAC’s credit that it took that difficult decision.
A glance at the terms of references of ICAC’s investigation demonstrates that the matter is sufficiently serious matter to warrant this course. The central issue is now a familiar one – it involves the questionable allocation of public money through grants. Specifically, the commission is investigating the 2017 $5.5 million grant given to the Australian Clay Target Association in Wagga Wagga for its clubhouse, in Maguire’s electorate, while Berejiklian was Treasurer.
Maguire is accused of later trying to profit from the fit-out of the club’s new headquarters. The Premier has maintained that she followed all proper processes.
There is an additional question over whether the Premier personally approved the allocation of $20 million in funds for a Wagga Wagga music conservatorium while she was in a secret relationship with Maguire. Berejiklian has insisted she did not approve the funds.
What is sad for the Liberal Party is that the current Prime Minister and 2 former Liberal Prime Ministers have come out and supported Gladys Berejiklian even though she resigned because she is being investigated for corruption.
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott issued the following statement on Twitter:
And former Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull tweeted:
Neither Abbott or Turnbull mentioned the ICAC corruption inquiry, that Gladys Berejiklian will have to front in a couple of weeks, which says a lot about Abbott and Turnbull.
Most law enforcement agencies sweep government corruption under the carpet especially when it is a Premier so, it is good to see ICAC taking the action they are.
Everyone who has helped shine a light on corruption, such as using social media to share articles exposing corruption, should also feel as if you are achieving something.
Shane Dowling/ Kang.Court