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A recent check on Member Interests has uncovered some typically expensive travel by Peter Dutton, Christian Porter and Ben Morton. The purposes are unknown at this stage.

Dutton declared on 21st December 2020 that at the invitation of Nev Power, Dutton took a charter flight on December 4th from Canberra to Brisbane. Then on 4th January, Porter declared a similar charter flight at the invitation of the very same Nev Power on the 11th December 2020 from Canberra to Perth.

The PM’s secretary Ben Morton (Liberal member for Tangney, WA) got in on the act twice – 9th April and 23rd October. Again they were at the invitation of Nev Power. Both were one-way flights from Canberra to Perth.

Several questions arise from these expensive flights: 1. It seems Nev Power gets around! Why would he meet Dutton in Brisbane, Porter and Morton in Perth?

2. Why would ScuMo’s head of NCCAB be inviting the AG, the Home Affairs minister and a PM’s secretary to meetings?

3. The NCCAB web site has not changed in months and their News page relates mainly to changes to its committee members. So what is the NCCAB and more particularly, Nev Power (a Mt Isa lad) doing?

4. Why charter flights rather than use regular commercial flights?

5. Are all these flights a scam to get the relevant MP expenses off their accounts and onto a PMC department? (We'll have to see what the IPEA Q4 reports have to say.)

We at The Bulletin have been trying since early December 2020 to get answers to questions about the NCCAB from the Prime Minister & Cabinet department – as usual, there has been no reply and therefore no transparency. (We have actually found it almost impossible to get straight answers to anything – all we get is the usual LNP spin!)

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