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WA election: Labor swoop on Liberal safe seat as 'tough fight' talk persists despite landslide predictions.

Both WA leaders spent the morning campaigning with their candidates in Bateman, a safe Liberal seat.

On the eve of early voting kicking off in the WA election, both major political parties are downplaying the significance of campaigning in a seat that was once the bluest of territory.

Mark McGowan and Zak Kirkup both spent Tuesday campaigning in Bateman.

Mr McGowan maintains the election will be a 'tough fight'.

Mark McGowan and his opponent, Zak Kirkup, have both repeatedly waved off questions about an impending Liberal party wipe-out on March 13, following an incredibly lopsided poll published last week.

But the locations both leaders chose to campaign in on Tuesday indicated they had reason to believe the safe Liberal seat of Bateman could fall to Labor for the first time in its history.

The Liberals hold Bateman, which runs south from the Swan River inland from Fremantle, by 7.8 per cent.

A uniform swing to Labor big enough to take out Bateman would see the party pinch six others from the Liberals, leaving them with just six lower house seats.

The politics, the policies the people. We've collected all our coverage on the election campaign here.

"It is very unusual," he said.

"I think it just indicates the sort of election we are having, in that no Liberal seat is safe.

"It tells you two things: Labor is aggressively going after votes, particularly in seats that were previously considered safe Liberal seats, and the Liberal party is desperate to hold onto what it's got."

'Tough fight' talk persists despite polls.

Bateman was created in 2008 and first held by the now Attorney-General Christian Porter before he switched to federal politics.

It has been held by former cabinet minister Dean Nalder since 2017.

Mr Nalder is stepping down from state politics, and it would appear both parties now think the seat could be in play.

The member for Bateman, former Barnett Government minister Dean Nalder, is retiring after eight years in the job.

Liberal leader Zak Kirkup was there on Tuesday, flanked by candidate Matt Woodall, to announce $750,000 to refurbish Kardinya Sports Association changerooms at Morris Buzacott Reserve.

He denied the party was sandbagging the seat.

"Bateman is an important part of our community , I don't think anyone should ignore any part of WA," he said.

"I don't keep track of where the Premier is, that is a matter for them."

The Premier was about five minutes down the road, at an early learning centre in Myaree.

He was alongside Labor's Bateman candidate Kim Giddens, to announce $11.5 million over four years towards free dental care for children under five if his government was re-elected.

Mr McGowan played down the party's chances in the seat.

"I'll just await the election, I am not going to predict any outcomes," he said.

"It is a tough fight. We will continue to work hard every single day."

Mr Kirkup again warned of the potential for Labor to "take total control" of the WA Parliament.

"It is important that we continue to stand up and fight during this campaign," he said.

"This election should be about the contest of ideas.

The WA Liberals have so far refused to submit their policies to Treasury for costing.

But Labor has claimed the Liberal party's pre-election commitments , a massive green energy plan at the centrepiece , already equate to billions of dollars.

Mr Kirkup again said the costings would be released closer to the state election, despite an unprecedented number of people expected to cast their vote early.

He said the party had not yet decided on a third party to release its costed policies.

The Kirkup is headed for electoral oblivion due to his WA Liberal party repeatedly calling for the hard border to come down during a pandemic , a border that has kept all western Australians safe.

The Libs also blocked Commissioner Mckechnie from being installed as anti corruption commissioner a second time to help protect corrupt Liberal MP's .

And of course , there is the support for clive palmer and his attack on all Western Australians.

While Mark McGowan and John Quigley valiantly defended WA from Palmers Attack.

So it will come as no surprise when the liberals are decimated at the upcoming State election on march 13th.

And remember , vote Nationals , get Kirkup.

Vote Labor , get more competent and good government from Mark Mcgowan and his hard working labor team.

ABC /Auspollbulletin

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